leroy’s portfolio

Hi, I’m Leroy Berger [he/him].

— Sakha designer and artist based in Arnhem, Netherlands.



- Lorem Ipsum (2024, Amsterdam, NL)

- Shuud Busaar Exhibition (2024, Paris, FR)

- Zine Camp (2023, Rotterdam, NL)

- Hydro Playground Exhibition (2023, Arnhem, NL)

- The Big Draw Nederland (2023, Arnhem, NL)

leroy’s portfolio

going home

A short animation made as a love letter to Sakha Republic and its capital, Yakutsk.

The main focus was the feeling of homesickness and missing very specific things about one's home and culture.

With time it became less so about the place itself and more about things from the culture of Sakha people in general.

Watch here.